Monday, January 31, 2011

From Bridezilla to Savvy Sophisticate: Tips for Managing Wedding Details

Let’s face it. Planning a wedding is a lot of work. In fact, most weddings today take over 250 hours just to plan – that’s more than six 40-hour work-weeks! Throw merging families and the emotional aspects that accompany a major life change into the mix and it is easy to see why most brides are frazzled and end up alienating most of their friends and family at a time when they should be celebrating those very elements. The good news is that planning your wedding doesn’t have to be overwhelming – in fact it can be a surprisingly fun process. Here are some tips to keep in mind as the big day quickly approaches.
Hire quality vendors.
Six little words sum it all up: You get what you pay for. The wedding market is saturated with people who claim they can sing, design fabulous cakes, and alter your gown all for a fraction of the going rate. Unfortunately, what is delivered is often a far cry from what was promised. Quality vendors needn’t be expensive, but be aware of the difference between a good value and too cheap. Reputable vendors will not accept kickbacks or payments from other vendors for referring their services. Set up preliminary tastings with your top caterer and cake designer choices before you commit to their services. Listen to demos of your musicians, and if at all possible, see them perform live. Make sure the vendors handling presentation elements such as floral and cake decor can match your taste and style. In the end, it will be the vendors you hire who will make or break your event. Choose wisely.
Prioritize your Budget.
No matter if your budget is $10,000 or $100,000, deciding where your wedding dollars are going to be spent is an important task. As a couple, make a list of the wedding planning aspects you value most. For some, it’s photography and being able to share their memories with their grandchildren. For others, it’s about throwing a killer party that their guests will talk about for years. After choosing what you want to prioritize, do some research into what those vendors actually cost. Don’t forget to use your resources – budget development and assistance should be a part of your wedding consultant’s services.
Set-up “deal with it days”.
We’ve all heard of, and perhaps have known, the crazy bride who calls her florist, caterer, dress designer, and photographer upwards of twelve times a day – and usually all about the same thing. Avoid bridezilla status and maintain your sanity by setting up a day with your vendors when you will deal with everything. Write down your questions, concerns, and ideas as they come to you and then let them be. On your “deal with it days”, you and your vendors will be able to review all your updates in a focused and uninterrupted manner. This stress-management method will help you better organize your thoughts and leave you time to prioritize other areas in your life, not the least of which being enjoying your engagement.
Don’t dump unwanted responsibility on your guests.
You invited your guests to enjoy a celebration, not to work as free labor. Tending the gift table and the guestbook prior to the ceremony are roles that honored guests are typically eager to fill. By the time the reception rolls around, however, those guests are ready to kick up their heels, drink some champagne, and mingle with friends and relatives that they have not seen in years. They do not want to be obligated to track down the catering director to make sure he receives the final payment. Wedding details always end up multiplying to be more than the couple initially bargained for and guests get resentful when their wedding day tasks seem to never end. If you don’t have a wedding coordinator for the entire process, make sure to hire one for the day of the event. A quality-wedding consultant will meet with you about a month before the wedding and obtain all copies of your vendor contracts and go over all the details so that your day will go off without a hitch. Ensuring you have a flawless day and happy guests is priceless.
Develop a thick skin and sense of humor.
Planning a wedding means being able to roll with the punches with the style and grace of Jackie O. Well-meaning friends and family will bluntly shoot down your ideas, turn their noses at your color choices, and insist that Aunt Martha’s next-door neighbor’s veterinarian’s accountant be on the invite list. Learning how to laugh at yourself and the planning process, while standing your ground, is a must for keeping your cool during your engagement.
Don’t give up your day job.
Most brides get so caught up in wedding details that it consumes every aspect of their lives, leaving them little time for anything else. Continue to be involved with the organizations and commitments you had before a pretty ring was placed on your finger. Go on dates with your fiancé . . . and don’t talk about the wedding! Maintaining a sense of normalcy during the engagement process is important and will help you stay balanced.
Weddings are meant to be a time to celebrate love and commitment. Make sure you give yourself the opportunity to enjoy the process.

Megan & Chad - Robert Hall Winery

In the beautiful Central Coast of California a day at Robert Hall Winery, red and bold represents our happy couple with a hint of gold.  

Flowers by Denise created and designed the gorgeous florals. Chef Jeffrey Scott prepared an incredible gourmet menu.

Our music for the evening was provided by In the Mix. The show stopping cake was prepared by The Cakery. 

Larspur String Quartet lulled us for the ceremony and Jessica Lewis Photography capturing the memories.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Key Steps in Hiring a Wedding Planner

A Wedding Planner is available to assist the prospective bride and groom in organizing the individual elements of the wedding day; thereby helping to assure that the day itself goes forward without a hitch. Basically, wedding planners co-ordinate all aspects that we all associate with a wedding to ensure everything comes together as an organized integrated whole. Generally, wedding planners charge a total percentage of the budget and that’s anywhere from 10 to 20% of the overall wedding budget. Some coordinators due charge by the hour.
As with any job, wedding planners often specialize in a specific niche: some only take celebrity clients; others will only take clients whose wedding budget is over a certain amount. Nevertheless, there are a good few that are quite happy to help an engaged couple organize a budget wedding, basing their work on an hourly pay scale or a percentage.

1. Making a Decision
Obviously, one of the first things that newly engaged couples need to do is to get used to being engaged! However, once the date has been set for the wedding it is time to go about the business of choosing an appropriate wedding planner.  You can go online and do a search of your local area; a particularly enjoyable way of getting into the wedding spirit is to attend one of the many wedding faires that are held throughout the your area, and they are widely advertised when they are coming to your local area. Here you will find a cornucopia of wedding suppliers who will all be more than willing to supply the items necessary for your wedding.

2. Interviewing the Wedding Planner
Particularly important key steps in hiring a wedding planner, is to set about interviewing them. After all, you need to know that you can work with them and they need to know that they can work with you. Planning a wedding can get very fraught, especially when older family members have particularly set ideas on what should and should not be included, so you want to ensure that the wedding planner you choose is well able to cope with the demands that are likely to be thrown in their direction.

3. Meeting the Couple
The next of the key steps in hiring a wedding planner obviously involves the Consultant meeting the prospective bride and groom and assessing their potential budget and the kind of wedding they envision. As a result of this meeting the Consultant is able to advise the couple on wedding locations, whether that is a church or a civil location, reception venues and catering services, not to mention all the other services necessary to make the wedding day perfect.

4. Theme and Décor
The fourth of the key steps in hiring a wedding planner is to decide on décor and wedding theme. This would also involve a decision on the kinds of flowers for the wedding location and reception venue, the bridesmaids and groomsmen, as well as a clear idea on the kind of foods to be served as well as how it is to be served. It is at this stage that a good wedding planner will bring their expertise into play and make suggestions that the bride and groom may never have thought of. Wedding planners who have been in the business a while will have acquired a large portfolio of suppliers whom can be called on to provide the various services. It is this knowledge and expertise that you, as the engaged couple, are relying on and the reason you decided to hire the wedding planner in the first place.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dana & Allen - Mission Wedding & Winery Reception

Every bride must begin their day being pampered and Dana was no different. Hair, make-up, nails, you name it a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.

Then we move along to the mission where a beautiful ceremony was performed, then to an amazing California Winery reception where their love shined through!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Autumn & Bradley - Antigua, British West Indies

Let's take a trip to the Caribbean, shall we?  The weather is warm, the air is clean and the people are wonderful. When you plan and coordinate a wedding out of the country, the internet becomes your best friend.  You leave a week prior to the bride arriving to make sure that all her dreams and desires are met.

Sit back and enjoy as I share this beautiful experience with you...